Sunday, December 28, 2008


Here are a few pictures taken at Ravenstown a few weeks ago before the home game versus the Eagles.

One of the actual Raven mascots.

An action shot.

A little chat with Gerry Sandusky and Qadry Ismail.

A little tour of the locker all prepared for game day.

Matt Stover's locker.

Ray Lewis' locker.

A marker at the end of the Ravens tunnel from the locker room to the sidelines.

Chuck and I on the field.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So one of my new mobile gadgets is a Zune by Microsoft. I was in need of a replacement mp3 player since my iPod was not working properly. I looked at many options, but settled on this unit because it gives me 80GB of storage and was used on craigslist for a good price, $100.

After a little work, I successfully downloaded the zune desktop software and had the device reformatted for my use. It holds all my music and my begining selection of videos, the first season of The Office.

I liked the idea of the unique social feature where you can connect to other zune users via wifi if their wifi is enabled and in range of your wifi enabled zune. I tried it out for the first time at the Easten Market in DC. When I arrived with Sarah at the Easten Market, I enabled the wifi and tried scanning for other zune users in the area. I was unsuccessful in funding anyone else with a zune,via wifi, and only seemed to annoy Sarah with my geekyness in the process.

So for now it is my trusty media player and the new games that arrived with the software update a few weeks ago are about as addicting as solitaire on a pc.

That's it for now. If you are reading this and own a zune, I encourage you to turn on your wifi the next time you go out with you zune. You might stumble on another zuner.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New car

P-Wagon is in the house!

Who knew I would become a wagoneer.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dogs rule the barbeque

So yesterday we enjoyed our second barbecue of the summer at the Longs'. This barbeque's theme was Mexican, but with two entertaining dogs it quickly can become the dog show.

These pictures show Chester, the pug and Bella, the Havanese.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Phase one Complete

After a month of stripping, sanding and painting, the bottom half of our Hoosier cabinet is finished. Looks pretty good, huh?

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blue Jean Divas

Jim and Cathy left last night and just before they left I noticed that Sarah and Cathy were dressed similarly. Like they say, the apple does not fall far from the tree, but that is a good thing too.

We'll miss y'all and look forward to seeing you in July for the race.

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Friendly @ Friendly's

Sunday night after Crossroads we grabbed a bit to eat at our local Friendly's with the Milo's. The ice cream sundae was tempting but I needed the roughage and opted for the kickin buffalo salad. Jim and Pedro had the barbecue/cheese sammi.

Overall, a good time was had by all.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dinner last night was a feast

Sarah and Cathy went to Trader Joes yesterday and came back with some beautiful shrimp and asparagus, as you can see. This was Sarah's second time to make this dish and it was wonderful. I am so blessed to have a talented chef, amongst other talents, as my wife. Yummo!

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rolling thunder on a beautiful day

After leaving the airport, we stopped for gas and happened upon this group of two wheelers. It is a beautiful day here in Maryland and I am glad to see that someone is able to enjoy it on two wheels.

Keep the rubber side down...

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Jim and Cathy have arrived

After my creative photo session, Jim and Cathy arrived after a 15 minute delay at their gate.
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Here are some random pictures while we were waiting for the arrival of Jim and Cathy today.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

She's Drinking Merlot!

That will be four dollars please.

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Is this mobile blogging?

While I admit that I am new to the world of blogging and even newer to the world of mobile blogging, I couldn't help grabbing an image of Sarah working on her laptop to load images from the camera and type out a blog post. While this has been a standard for mobile workers for years, is it still 'mobile'?

Given the powerful mobile phones and PDAs we have today, how many of us still think our laptops are mobile? I still think twice before bringing my laptop on a trip because it is bulky and the power cable/block are bulky too. The only time I bring them are when I will be gone during normal business days that might require that I use them. I wish my company would be open to the idea of letting us use a vpn connection on our mobile devices. Then I could forgo the laptop on trips and just carry my smartphone and small travel charger.

So let me come full circle and ask, is blogging from a laptop mobile blogging?

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Everything is bigger in Texas

This picture does not do this article's title justice, but my phone was all I had at the time I saw this big snake.

There we were, minding our own business, when out of nowhere a big (at least four foot) snake appeared in the street in front of my sister's house this weekend. I didn't dare go any closer to take the picture because that snake was very quick and seemed to be moving towards me as I got closer to get a better look at it.

My brother in law called his HOA and the City office of code enforcement to see if they could do anthing about it, but they both pointed the finger at each other. The snake probably came from the tall grass next to their house and it turns out that the land is owned by the land developer. It is the responsibility of the land owner and not the HOA or city code enforment to maintain the land and therby not create a haven for snakes. Welcome to home ownership y'all.

Don't let this little story scare you off from visiting the great state of Texas, but just be forwarned. Now you know why cowboys liked to wear tall leather boots in places like Texas.

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No nobody is beyond the reach of the TSA

This is the second time I have witnessed my grandmother being hand checked/frisked by TSA. I know they are just doing their jobs and I don't blame them for doing it, but it still cracks me up. I hope you can get a laugh out of these pictures too. (note: airline security is a serious matter and I don't want to give the impression that it is not important)
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dinner out

Everyone arrived safely Friday and we all enjoyed dinner out at PF Changs in downtown Fort Worth. Good food and family; you can't go wrong.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Texas, we have arrived

God bless Texas!

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